The Regional Business Center within the Center for Development of the South-East Planning Region was established on the basis of the Law on Balanced Regional Development ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" No. 63/2007 187/2013 and 43/2014), as well as on the basis of of the Program of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia for Balanced Regional Development in 2014 (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Northern Macedonia” No.8 / 2014 and 22/2014), with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the planning regions by supporting small and medium-sized enterprises and of entrepreneurship.

The Business Support and Consulting Services Center for SMEs in the South-East Planning Region's South East Planning Region Development Center aims to assist and support small and medium-sized businesses in their faster and more dynamic development. By identifying current needs, lobbying, information and networking, the Business Center contributes to strengthening the capacity of companies in the region, thereby creating a climate for the development of sustainable and profitable businesses.

The Regional Business Center was established in 2014 with financial support from the Ministry of Local Self Government and the United Nations Development Program - UNDP.

Today, in order to achieve its goals, the Regional Business Center receives support from the Ministry of Local Self-Government and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.


Бизнис Центарот придонесува во зајакнувањето на капацитетите на компаниите во регионот со што создава клима за развој на одржливи и профитабилни бизниси. Прочитајте повеќе за услугите кои ги нуди Бизнис Центарот.


Бизнис Центарот во рамки на повеќе проекти подготвува Програми, Стратегии со акциски планови, Анализи и Водичи каде што јасно се утврдени приоритети на Југоисточниот Плански Регион. Прочитајте повеќе за стратегиите за развој


Бизнис Центарот придонесува во зајакнувањето на капацитетите на компаниите во регионот со што создава клима за развој на одржливи и профитабилни бизниси. Прочитајте повеќе за услугите кои ги нуди Бизнис Центарот.