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Application for mentoring support for newly founded commercial start-up and spin-off companies, which will apply through the new FITR call.

The Business Center at the Centre for the Development of the South-East Planning Region within the framework of the Voucher scheme for providing professional assistance provides FREE MENTORING SUPPORT for all companies that are interested in applying through the new call published by FITR for the support instrument - Co-financed grants for newly founded commercial companies start up and spin off.

By filling out the application, companies from the South-East region acquire the right to receive mentoring support, and due to a limited amount of funds, the order of the users of the mentoring support will be determined according to the "first registered - first served" principle.

Link for applying for mentoring support:

On April 22, 2022 in Hotel Sirius in Strumica by the Centre for Development of the South-East Planning Region, was held the Second Forum Session "Regional Community Forums" which are realized within the project "Sustainable and inclusive balanced regional development" funded by the Embassy of Switzerland in the Republic of S. Macedonia, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the Government of the Republic of S. Macedonia, represented by the Ministry of Local Self-Government.

The Second Forum Session was attended by representatives of the municipalities from the South-East Planning Region, members and presidents of the Municipal Councils of the South-East Planning Region, councilors from the LSGU, representatives of the business community, civil society organizations, urban / local communities and other stakeholders from the region. Participants had the opportunity to rank the proposed concepts for both programs Grant Scheme Program for projects with mandatory digital component and MLS / BRR Program for balanced regional development for 2022 with indicatively planned funds for 2023, which emerged from the participants during at the First Forum Session on Improving Life in the Wider Community and the Region.

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The holding of the first forum session on March 10, 2022 announced the start of the process of Regional Community Forums in the South-East Planning Region, financially supported by the Ministry of Local Self-Government and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation through the project "Sustainable and Inclusive Balanced Regional Development - 2 phase ".

The first forum session was divided into two parts, because project ideas and solutions were proposed in two programs, as follows:

- Program for projects through MLS / SDC Grant Scheme and
- Program for balanced regional development for 2022 with indicatively planned funds for 2023 of MLS / BRR
In the first part of the Grant Scheme Program, it is planned to allocate funds for a project of at least 320 thousand euros.

For that purpose, the forum participants who were from different categories of citizens from the Southeast Planning Region (from the Units of Local Self-Government, Municipal Councils, NGOs, business sector and other interested citizens) had the opportunity to identify and define priority regional issues for each of previously identified priority areas.

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The Centre for Development of the South-East Planning Region within the project Sustainable Inclusive Balanced Regional Development - II phase of implementation on 07.03.2022 in Hotel "Sirius" Strumica organized a workshop on Smart Specialization.

The workshop aimed to unite: local authorities, academia, business sector and civil society and to expand their knowledge in the field of Smart Specialization, as an approach to increase competitiveness, to acquaint them with the process of developing a Strategy for Smart Specialization. at the national level and how and in what way to replicate it at the regional level.

The only lifelong, sure motivations are those that come from within, and the strongest of them are the joy and pride that grow when you received recognition that you did something good in a year that despite the difficult circumstances the staff of the Center for Development of the Southeast Planning Region worked intensively on each field.

From October 21-24, 2021 part of the team of the Center for Development of the Southeast Planning Region, led by the Director Ms. Julieta Gjurkova attended the seventh Regional Summit for Entrepreneurship for the award "Stvaratelji za stoljeca" held in Dubrovnik R. Croatia.

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On 30.08.2021 starting at 14.00 the Business Center at the Center for Development of the Southeast Planning Region together with the Fund for Innovation and Technological Development for the companies from the Southeast region held an online presentation intended for presenting the conditions for financing under the support instrument "Co-financed grants for the commercialization of innovation ”.

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The Business Center at the Center for Development of the South-East Planning Region within the Voucher Scheme for providing professional assistance provides FREE MENTORIAL SUPPORT for all companies interested in applying through the new call published by FITR for support instruments .
Application link for mentoring support:  https://docs.google.com/.../1FAIpQLSeco8W5cpqWKW.../viewform
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All companies are invited to apply for an info session to present the conditions for applying for an open public call for support instrument - Co-financed grants for commercialization of innovations.

On 20.05.2021 starting at 11.00 am, the Business Center at the Center for Development of the Southeast Planning Region together with the Fund for Innovation and Technological Development for the companies from the Southeast and East region held an online presentation intended to present the financing conditions under the support instrument " "Co-financed grants for start-ups and spin-off companies."

 The Business Center within the Voucher scheme for providing professional assistance provides FREE MENTORING SUPPORT for all companies that want to apply for the FITR call for Co-financed Grants for start-ups and spin-off companies. 

The Business Center within the Voucher scheme for providing professional assistance provides FREE MENTORING SUPPORT for all companies that want to apply for the FITR call for Co-financed Grants for start-ups and spin-off companies.  

On March 5, 2021, starting at 11:00 AM, the Business Center at the Center for Development of the Southeast Planning Region together with the Fund for Innovation and Technological Development for the companies from the Southeast region held an online presentation for the active call for Co-financed Grants for Technological Development for Accelerated Economic Growth.

Бизнис Центарот при Центарот за развој на Југоисточниот плански регион во рамките на Ваучерската шема за давање стручна помош овозможува БЕСПЛАТНА МЕНТОРСКА ПОДДРШКА за сите фирми и Приватни здравствени установи (ПЗУ) кои се заинтересирани да аплицираат преку новиот повик објавен од страна на ФИТР за Кoфинансирани грантови за технолошки развој за забрзан економски раст достапен на следниов линк: https://fitr.mk/zabrzan-ekonomski-rast/.

Ги покануваме сите компании и ПЗУ да се пријават на инфо сесијата со Фондот за иновации и технолошки развој на која ќе се презентираат условите за аплицирање на отворениот јавен повик за инструментот за поддршка - Кoфинансирани грантови за технолошки развој за забрзан економски раст на следниот линк:


Инфо сесијата ќе се одржи на 05.03.2021 година (петок) со почеток од 11:00 - 12:00 ч преку апликацијата ЗООМ на следниов линк: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81618924745.


Meeting ID: 816 1892 4745
Passcode: 300404

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Со оваа програма се уредува намената на средствата за конкурентност, иновации и претприемништво во вкупен износ од 68.800.000,00 за поддршка на претпријатија и занаетчии

Within the project "Creating conditions for better social inclusion of people with disabilities in the South-East planning region" funded by the Ministry of Local Self-Government and the Swiss Agency for development and cooperation, a series of trainings were held on gaining skills for occupational orientation and rules for playing of the Paralympic sports discipline "Boccia" in 4 Day Centers for people with disabilities in the South-East planning region.

Today, February 13th , 2020, the Centre for development of the South-East planning region in two locations has promoted the Projects: Co-working space – a tool to strengthen the cooperation with the business sector and Agrometeorological stations for protection of agricultural crops and the environment, financed by The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the Ministry of Local Self-Government.

На 23.12.2019 година во Струмица се одржа првата прес-конференција по проектот „Заеднички мерки за спречување и намалување на последиците од катастрофи во општините Сандански и Радовиш“, кој ќе се имплементира во партнерство со општина Сандански од Р.Бугарија и општина Радовиш.

At the offices of the Centre, the Regional Business Center in the Centre for development of SEPR organized workshop for identifying innovative ideas within the Grant scheme for innovative projects of the planning regions for 2020.

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Within the project „SME Knowledge Accelerator – MEKA“ implemented by the Foundation for local development and development of information technologies - FLORIT - Gevgelija and Women's Organization - Stip, equipment was provided to the Regional Business Center within the Centre for development of the South-East planning region.