The former medieval episcopal center Konche is a typical rural municipality located in the central - eastern part of Republic of Macedonia, surrounded by the mountains Konecka and Smrdesnik or Municipalities of Stip, Negotino, Demir Kapija, Valandovo, Strumica, Vasilevo and Radovish. The main economic activities in the municipality are agriculture, stock breeding, water management and forestry. Special emphasis has the production of high quality tobacco of the type “Jaka“ with about 1,000,000 kilograms annually, which represents 5 % of the total tobacco production in the country.
According to the territorial organization of local self government units as of 2005 the territory of the Municipality of Konche was comprised of the following 14 populated surrounding areas: Gabrevci , Garvan , Gorna Vrashtica , Gorni Lipovikj, Dedino, Dolna Vrashtica , Dolni Lipovikj , Dolni Radesh, Zagorci, Konche , Lubnica , Negrenovci , Rakitec and Skorusha.
HQ of the municipality |
Konce |
Address |
2424 Konce |
Location (latitude - longitude) |
N 41° 29' E022° 22' |
Contact |
Tel. +389 (0)34 630-325 fax: +389 (0)34 630-327 |
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Web site |
Elevation |
580 m |
Area |
233,05 km2 |
Population |
3.536 |
Municipality celebration day |
July 12 (St. Peter’s day - Municipality celebration Day) |
Highways, expressways and motorways |
Indirect access to the main road A4 through regional road P2433. |
Regional roads that pass through the municipality |
P2433 |
Distance from the municipal airport (km) |
Alexander the Great - Skopje |
143 km |
St. Apostle Paul - Ohrid |
268 km |
Airport Thessaloniki, Greece |
215 km |
Sofia Airport, Bulgaria |
292 km |
Distance from the municipal railway |
Railway Station Gevgelija |
113 km |
Railway station Miravci |
104 km |
Railway station Stip |
75 km |
Distance of the municipality from port (km) |
Port of Thessaloniki, Greece |
192 km |
Port of Durres, Albania |
432 km |
Port Burgas, Bulgaria |
626 km |
Distance from the municipal border crossing (km) |
Greece |
119 km |
Bulgaria |
95 km |
Serbia |
174 km |
Kosovo |
180 km |
Albania |
264 km |
Distance of the municipality from major cities (km) |
Skopje |
162 km |
Thessaloniki |
192 km |
Sofia |
289 km |
Belgrade |
563 km |
Zagreb |
950 km |
Istanbul |
778 km |
Vienna |
1.171 km |
Budapest |
934 km |
Population: 3.536 inhabitants (according to the census of 2002).
Gender structure: 1.886 men, 1.650 women.
Ethnic structure of the population: 85,10% Macedonians, 14,73% Turks, 0,16% other.
Educational institutions: At the territory of the municipality there is one primary school.
Age structure of the population (2014)
Chart: Population pyramid
Source: State Statistical Office, 2015
Active and passive job seekers
Number of unemployed people: 354 (as of 31.11.2015 ).
Chart: Unemployed people - Konce
Source: Employment Service Agency, Republic of Macedonia, 2015.
Age structure of the unemployed
Chart: Active job seekers
Source: Employment Service Agency, Republic of Macedonia, 2015.
Chart: Passive jobseekers
Source: Employment Service Agency, Republic of Macedonia, 2015.
Educational structure of the unemployed
Unemployed by education |
Total |
Men |
Women |
Doctor of science |
Masters of Science |
0 |
0 |
0 |
High education |
15 |
7 |
8 |
Higher School |
2 |
1 |
1 |
Completed secondary education |
101 |
59 |
42 |
Incomplete secondary education |
23 |
18 |
5 |
Completed eighth and without education |
213 |
87 |
54 |
Total |
354 |
172 |
110 |
Number of active business entities: 75.
Chart: Active business entities -Konce
Source: Employment Service Agency, Republic of Macedonia, 2015.
Dominant industries: agriculture (production of tobacco), stock breeding, water management and forestry.
Chart: Number of business entities in the dominant industries– Konce
Source: Employment Service Agency, Republic of Macedonia, 2015.
Main comparative advantages of the Municipality: ecologically clean environment, low cost of land, natural resources.
Most important local enterprises: Dairy Eko mleko (production of dairy products).
Mineral resources: clay kaolin, quartz, lime and copper (non-mineral raw materials)
Tourism and catering industry: No.
Municipality of Konche has not determined any industrial zone and the potential investors can prepare local urban planning documentation with the purpose of the facilities G3, G4-light and nonpolluting industry.
Municipal advantages for investing in the industrial zones: The Municipal Council, upon investor requirement, can reach a decision for determining special advantages for a certain investment.
Features of the free construction sites: Features of the free construction sites.