Municipality of Bogdanci spreads at the very south part of the Republic, on the left bank of river Vardar. Morphologically, the municipality is flat in its base with excellent fertile land which makes it one of the best agrarian areas, especially for the production of horticultural crops. Municipality of Bogdanci covers an area of 6.700 ha, 1.561,4 ha of which are arable land, 2.107,7 ha are pastures and 2.719,5 ha are forests. Municipality of Bogdanci borders the municipalities of Dojran, Valandovo and Gevgelija, and on wider space the state border line of Republic of Greece. In accordance with its territory it belongs to the group of small-sized municipalities in the country, but has the biggest average population density of all municipalities in the southeast region (78 inhabitants/km2).
According to the territorial organization of local self government units as of 2005 the territory of the Municipality of Bogdanci was comprised of the following 4 populated surrounding areas: Bogdanci, Stojakovo, Selemli и Gjavato.
HQ of the municipality |
Bogdanci |
Address |
St. "Marshal Tito", no. 62, 1484 Bogdanci |
Location (latitude - longitude) |
N 41° 12’ E 22° 34’ |
Contact |
Tel. +389 (0)34 222-333; fax. +389 (0)34 221-077 |
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Web site |
Elevation |
65 m |
Area |
114 km2 |
Population |
8.707 |
Municipality celebration day |
October 10 (Liberation of Bogdanci) |
Highways, expressways and motorways |
Indirect access to the A1 motorway through regional road R1109 |
Regional roads that pass through the municipality |
Р1109 |
Distance from the municipal airport (km) |
Alexander the Great - Skopje |
145 km |
St. Apostle Paul - Ohrid |
258 km |
Airport Thessaloniki, Greece |
110 km |
Sofia Airport, Bulgaria |
278 km |
Distance from the municipal railway |
Railway Station Gevgelija |
10,6 km |
Railway station Miravci |
Railway station Stip |
Distance of the municipality from port (km) |
Port of Thessaloniki, Greece |
86,8 km |
Port of Durres, Albania |
422 km |
Port Burgas, Bulgaria |
572 km |
Distance from the municipal border crossing (km) |
Greece |
6,3 km |
Bulgaria |
67,4 km |
Serbia |
177 km |
Kosovo |
183 km |
Albania |
280 km |
Distance of the municipality from major cities (km) |
Skopje |
164 km |
Thessaloniki |
86,8 km |
Sofia |
275 km |
Belgrade |
565 km |
Zagreb |
953 km |
Istanbul |
673 km |
Vienna |
1.173 km |
Budapest |
937 km |
Population: 8.707 inhabitants (according to the census of 2002).
Gender structure: 4.377 men, 4.330 women.
Ethnic structure of the population: 92,95% Macedonians, 6,03% Serbs, 0,4% other.
Age structure of the population (2014)
Chart: Population pyramid – Bogdanci (2014)
Source: State Statistical Office, The regions in the Republic of Macedonia, 2015
Active and passive job seekers
Number of unemployed people: 407 (as of 31.11.2015 ).
Educational institutions: At the territory of the municipality there is one high and two primary schools.
Chart: Unemployed people - Bogdanci
Source: Employment Service Agency, Republic of Macedonia, 2015.
Age structure of the unemployed
Chart: Active job seekers
Source: Employment Service Agency, Republic of Macedonia, 2015
Chart: Passive jobseekers
Source: Employment Service Agency, Republic of Macedonia, 2015.
Educational structure of the unemployed
Unemployed by education |
Total |
Men |
Women |
Doctor of science |
Masters of Science |
5 |
2 |
3 |
High education |
44 |
19 |
25 |
Higher School |
8 |
3 |
5 |
Completed secondary education |
103 |
48 |
55 |
Incomplete secondary education |
69 |
42 |
27 |
Completed eighth and without education |
178 |
87 |
87 |
Total |
407 |
201 |
202 |
Number of active business entities: 288.
Chart: Active business entities -Bogdanci
Source: State Statistical Office, 2015.
Dominant industries: agriculture, transport,textile industry. The numbers of business entities in the dominant industries are presented with the following Figure
Chart: Number of business entities in the dominant industries– Bogdanci
Source: State Statistical Office, 2015
Main comparative advantages of the Municipality: clean and healthy environment, cross border region, nearby the well developed transport network.
Most important local enterprises: Breboteks, Noelplus, Boveks (textile industry); Sofija Bogdanci (graphic and print services), Stocarstvo, Agrolozar, Viviprom, Badjo, Turan, Green houses Milbos, Ekosto (agriculture), Rive transport, Sht, Rel-mark, Rive sped, Pan-stop, Tranzit (transport).
Most important foreign investors: Taurus farms (Germany) – cultivation of apple like fruits and fruits with stone cells in flesh.
Mineral resources: quartz, feldspar, diabase (non mineral raw materials).
Tourism and catering industry: 1 hotel, 6 restaurants and pizza restaurants, 6 coffee bars and 1 night clubs.
Municipality of Bogdanci has two industrial zones: 1. “Purchase distributive centers” for fresh fruits and vegetables, production and distribution, 2. . Industrial zone Barta and one locations for investment in hotel complexes.
Municipal advantages for investing in the industrial zones: Reducing the fee for arranging the constructional land depending on the number of jobs created with the obligation to maintain the number of employment for a period of 5 years (5-20 employees - 25%, 21-50 employees - 50%, 51-100 employees - 75%, more than 100 employees - 100%).