Macedonia is a republic with a multiparty parliamentary democracy, and a political system divided on legislative, executive, and judicial powers.

Legislative power

Executive power

Judicial power


One chamber assembly

The Assembly consists of 123 MPs which are elected under proportional mandatory system held every four years.

Adopts laws, budgets, appoints the Members of the Government and other positions from the executive and judicial power, validates international agreements, and makes a decision for war.

Local government

84 municipalities with elected mayors and councils! It has legislative and executive powers on local level.

President of the Republic

Elected on the base of general and popular vote with a mandate of five years.

The President represents the Republic and is performing the function of a Supreme commander of the military forces.

President of the Government of Republic of Macedonia

Leader of the party, or coalition, which won the majority of MPs seats, nominated by the President, elected from the Assembly.


Cabinet of Ministers nominated by the President of the Government, and elected by the Assembly of the Republic with the majority of votes.

The Government suggests laws, the budget of the Republic and other acts of regulation adopted by the Assembly; it develops policies for implementing laws and other regulations, adopted by the Assembly, and is responsible for their successful realization.

Constitutional Court

Institution of the Republic which safeguards the constituality of laws and protects the human rights.

Supreme Court

The highest court of the Republic, which ensures unity in the application of the laws in the courts.

Court of Appeal

Three regional courts of Appeal. Decide on the claims which challenge the decisions of the Primary Courts.

Primary Courts

27 primary courts which decide on civil and criminal cases.